I work with Delphi since the first version, and searching for components is a hard work (I think you know). I've tested tons of components, even the "best-sellers", in my eyes, there are two things importants to look for a component: the "look" (for visual components of course), and the most important:
It need to be easy to understand, to programming, and to find information when it is needed (help/manual/demos)
In all of these points your job is really good! Congratulations for you and your team.
- Luiz Nelson S Gonçalves, Brasil via email
Congratulations to the Office 2007 style ribbon bar. It looks great.
- Andre Voget
I want to congratulate you for the component development of the very good Diagram Studio.
- Gabriel Castillo Hernandez
Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.