I am really impressed about your know-how around Excel's under the hood workings. I've been kicking the FlexCel API around a bit over the weekend and must say it is the best investment I made in a long time in both time and money! And the speed at which you guys respond is incredible !
- Tim Young
We purchased the TMS Software Component Pack and were immediately delighted by its exceptional quality. Since then, we've used it continuously in our SaleHoo Directory software, relying particularly on the TAdvStringGrid, TAdvGlowButton and TAdvOfficePageControl components. Not only have these components been excellent, but the support we've received has been top notch. If you're a Delphi Developer, then I have no hesitation in saying that you'll love this software!
- Simon Slade, CEO, SaleHoo Ltd via email
The functionality of "faunadb" is quite different and looks just awesome!
Thank you TMS for exploring new technologies and making it available for us all.
- Kamran
I'm sure it is no secret to you that excellent support results in loyal customers. I'm quickly becoming a member of your fan club. Keep up the good work!
- Bill D. Pirkle, World Chess Network
I fell in love with this great product, it changed my opinion and my vision in programming. I am using it at least 12 hours per day and everyday I understand what a clean code you have used to make it ...thanks a lot.