Latest Releases

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for seamless access to Google, Microsoft, Paypal and many more cloud services from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Support for Mistral added in TTMSFNCCloudAI

Universal core layer for creating rich visual and non-visual Delphi & C++ Builder components for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCFilterBuilder DisplayNames added in columns to use more readable names without affecting the filter

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for mapping, geographical data, timezone visualization, routes and directions calculation. Use your mapping service of choice like Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, Azure Maps, Here Maps in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • OnError event added
  • TTMSFNCOpenLayers: ImagePath FillColor FontColor StrokeColor added for Clusters
  • TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: Coordinate Location added for StreetView
  • TTMSFNCHereDirections: TruckOptions.Length added

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder FNC UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes data grid, planner, treeview, ribbon, memo and rich editor

What's new
  • TTMSFNCFilterDialog support for user friendly names in columns with property DisplayName
  • Events to further customize column and row calculations in TTMSFNCDataGrid

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for VCL or FMX desktop application management

What's new
  • Added separate win32 and win64 support in TTMSFNCAppUpdate

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder component set to take advantage of unique and proven extraordinary web technology from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Added OnPinchIn OnPinchOut OnTouchStart OnTouchMove and OnTouchEnd events in TTMSFNCWXPDFViewer

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder FNC UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes data grid, planner, treeview, ribbon, memo and rich editor

What's new
  • RowViewMode ColumnViewMode to configure where fixed rows and columns are positioned.

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Public property CheckNull added to TAdvDBFilterPanel

Universal core layer for creating rich visual and non-visual Delphi & C++ Builder components for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • Introducing TTMSFNCFilterBuilder and TTMSFNCValue
  • Support for Dragging Files

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for mapping, geographical data, timezone visualization, routes and directions calculation. Use your mapping service of choice like Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet, Azure Maps, Here Maps in VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCDirections: Switch to Google Routes API with UseGoogleRoutes
  • TTMSFNCPlaces: Support for Google Places New API added
  • TTMSFNCPlaces: Switch to Google Places New API with UseGooglePlacesNew
  • TTMSFNCGooglePlaces: Switch to Google Places New API with UseGooglePlacesNew
  • TTMSFNCGooglePlaces: Google Places SearchNearby Radius parameter added
  • TTMSFNCOpenLayers: Layers CSSClassName property added
  • TTMSFNCGoogleMaps: MarkerCount value added in OnClusterClick AEventData.CustomData

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder FNC UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes data grid, planner, treeview, ribbon, memo and rich editor

What's new
  • Introducing TMSFNCDataSetFilterDialog
  • AcceptDropFiles and OnDropFiles event in TTMSFNCDataGrid
  • Columns Editor in TTMSFNCDataGrid
  • OnItemBitmapClick event in TTMSFNCTableView

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • Project CSS file added to new projects automatically
  • TWebMemo.ScrollBy() method added
  • TLookupValues.InsertPair() added

Delphi library that provides an easy way to evaluate mathematical expressions, calculate symbolic derivatives & integration, solving non linear equations, approximation function calculation and more...

What's new
  • trunc and round functions.
  • Run method with evaluation result.
  • Numeric integration functions (1D and 2D).

Asynchronous serial communications for Windows VCL applications

What's new
  • Public access added to TVaTerminal.Buffer

Over 70 components for building feature-rich VCL for the Web (Intraweb) applications faster

What's new
  • IntraWeb 16 compatibility for Delphi 12

Over 70 components for building feature-rich VCL for the Web (IntraWeb) applications faster. Includes grid, rich editor, menus, navigational controls, responsive list, treeview

What's new
  • IntraWeb 16 compatibility for Delphi 12

Our new dashboard simplifies managing TMS software products, bringing everything you need into one user-friendly platform.

What's new
  • First release

Universal powerful, feature-rich Delphi & C++ Builder FNC UI controls in 1 component set for VCL, FMX and WEB core apps. Includes data grid, planner, treeview, ribbon, memo and rich editor

What's new
  • OnRemoveFilter event in TTMSFNCDataGrid

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for seamless access to Google, Microsoft, Paypal and many more cloud services from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStore: OnInsertAll event

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • Transparent property added in TAdvToggleSwitch

Universal Delphi & C++ Builder components for seamless access to Google, Microsoft, Paypal and many more cloud services from VCL, FMX and WEB core apps

What's new
  • TTMSFNCCloudAI component added

Framework for creating modern web applications in Delphi.

What's new
  • TWebLocalStorage / TWebSessionStorage Clear method added
  • TWebClientDataSet.GetClonedDataSet method added

Read, write, manipulate .XLS, .XLSX files and generate PDF or HTML reports from any Windows programming language or application scripting

What's new
  • Updated the dll to use FlexCel 7.23 library

100% managed code Excel file manipulation engine & Excel & PDF report generation for .NET and Windows Store

What's new
  • Support for Native AOT in .NET 9
  • Support for .NET 9
  • Updated minimum SkiaSharp to 3.116.1

Our bundle of over 600 VCL UI controls for modern, feature-rich Windows application development, including grids, planner, richeditor, ribbon, web updater, treeview and much more...

What's new
  • TabAlignment property added to TAdvTabSheet


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