Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

You are the BEST in market and TMS is my best decision in my programming life.. Thank you to be here

- Alper Demir via email

Greatgreatgreat news, this was fast again!! Thanks to all the people at TMS for their continuous hard work for the Delphi world! I think without your TMS Component Pack and without your fast reactions in nearly every situation (new Delphi-Releases, fixing issues in TMS components, handling support questions etc...) I had left the Delphi world years ago. TMS really rocks, keep up with the very good work!

- Udo Treichel via email

Thanks again for your great support & video webinars! You have changed the way I build Delphi apps, I can't begin to thank you enough for your products, Looking forward to your next updates! Please keep up the great work!

- Lawrence Green

Once again we would like to say how nice your components are and flexible and useful, easy to program and making an application friendly for use.

- Nikolai Todorov via email

FixInsight brought us an immediate gain in code quality by highlighting possible problems that went undetected until now. We included it in the static code analysis on our buildserver, so every commit by a developer is also checked with FixInsight. It is a tool that really helps you to make your codebase more solid and also improves readability by reminding developers to stick to conventions. One should not forget to mention that Romans support is great.

- Lübbe Onken

Build MQTT client apps faster
RAD component based MQTT communication