Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

For some time now I am registered user of your TMS component pack. I haven't used all of them yet, but I am very satisfied with the one I have used for now. Of course, TAdvStringGrid is a pearl, but also the smaller ones like CABFile and ShellDlg are real time savers.

- Marc Vankeer, Belgium

The additional facilities the new version of the grid has given me has been a godsend, well worth the asking price and keep up the good work. Also, it's great to see and author responding to users questions so quickly. There's a few companies I've bought components from who should take a lesson from you in customer service.

- Kenvyn Davies, UK via email

I will never again ship a product on which I have not run FixInsight. It prevented us from shipping a product with several significant bugs which the Delphi compiler had not detected. It paid for itself the first time we used it.

- Tom Field

On another note keep up the good work over there I am loving the TMS Web Core saves me learning a million lines of JavaScript at my age, its astonishing how good and fast it is and the range of demos have given me some additional insight as to what's now easy to achieve for me in web development.

- Paul Krasnowski

The email was a genuine query but it was also a test as to how quick you were to respond to user questions and you passed that with flying colours. I am very impressed with your company and the quality of the controls you have to offer.

- Warren Weber, Australia


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