Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Now that I'm using your HTML-based components (extremely useful), your planner control (awesome) and your web update control (very impressive), the TMS component pack has evolved into one of the most useful and unique (something which is becoming very difiicult to find.. all component libraries seem to try do the same thing in different ways...) libraries in my component arsenal.

- Keith Blows, South Africa

Just to express my (so far) complete satisfaction with TMS Component Pack. I just purchased it, it arrived very fast, service was prompt and polite, emails were answered within minutes. The installation into BCB5 Pro worked great, and the components themselves seemed to work for a few quickie tests. Browsing the documentation further, there are some great components in this package.

- Martin Fensome in Borland newsgroups

TMS software components are the most reliable VCL I used ever and I wish to this company to achieve more success.

- Mahmoud Baalbaki via email

I will never again ship a product on which I have not run FixInsight. It prevented us from shipping a product with several significant bugs which the Delphi compiler had not detected. It paid for itself the first time we used it.

- Tom Field

As always, I truly appreciate your components and your great support. I would also like to let you know that there hasn't been a project that I havn't used one of your components since my purchase... A great value at $95

- Kelly Tremblay, Jefferson National Labn, US


Powerful UI controls in 1 component set
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase