I must say that the increasing number of features and sophistication of your VCL components is impressing. Your components also inspires to add new functionalities to our application.
- Jan Andersen/Tickom via email
I don't know if you get many complements but I am constantly impressed with your tools. We use many of them in every application developed for the company I work for and unlike many, you have exceeded my expectations in both the tool and documentation.
- Larry Wainwright via email
I've just stumbled upon your component collection due to a mention (albeit a small one) in the Borland.com newsgroups. What can I say...I had just started really trying to use a simple TStringGrid. Upon finding your TAdvStringGrid I never looked back. What a FANTASTIC component.
- Cris Gallegos, US
Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
Once again - thanks guys! I am truly impressed with the prompt replies to my many questions and comments. I have been so impressed with each and every functionality of every one of the TMS components I have used in my application. With your components added capability, Borland seriously needs to think about packaging your product with Delphi instead of their own. Keep up the awesome work!!