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What our customers say

As a developer for 30+ years, and a Delphi developer since 1996, I've a solid foundation on desktop development. But I was skeptical of indulging in web development. Though the market was demanding a switch, it seemed too difficult to make the transition. TMS Software was my "magic bullet" to get me started with zero intimidation. Love their Web Core and XData products. Now I can develop powerful web applications using Delphi. TMS Software has renewed my love for Delphi and won my heart for their innovators. Thanks to the team for great products and a large volume of demos and manuals. You ROCK!

- Larry

TMS Aurelius makes my code to be very clean. I can code in pure OOP, not worrying about database persistence or SQL statements, being able to switch connections and database servers very easily. My development speed has increased significantly.

- Carlos Fitl

First thanks for the great product and great support. Of course there’s a lot to learn when new to web programming. But until now we have been able to solve all problems with your help and hints. And each day bring a new nice surprise :) discovering features.

- Bo Nielsen

Thanks again for your great support & video webinars! You have changed the way I build Delphi apps, I can't begin to thank you enough for your products, Looking forward to your next updates! Please keep up the great work!

- Lawrence Green

AdvStringGrid, the Swiss Army Knife of Grids :-)

- Graham Wideman, USA


Fastest and easiest back-end for web & mobile
Robust back-end as a service