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What our customers say

J'ai essayé et j'utilise le composant TAdvStringGrid de TMS software et il est simplement génial.

- D.Z., France in Remarq newsgroups

I would like really to thank you for your components. In quite a few minutes, I've been able to deploy a quite complex iPhone application. I thought I never could without learning Objective C. It's really great.

- Jean-Pierre Lamon

Zuerst einmal HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zu euren TMS-Komponenten. Wie kann man Delphi proffesionel nutzen, ohne TMS Komponenten .... unmöglich .. das sollte inzwischen auch Borland bemerken.

- CLUESOFT, Hubert Hutt , Germany

In case it helps anybody, the component I found is TAdvStringGrid. It does all I wanted and much more. I was getting useful results within 2 hours of downloading it. Some of the additional features I hadn't thought of but have used anyway. The application has a significantly improved interface inside 1 day.

- Steve Mullarkey, Australia

Having bought the full component package (TMS VCL Subscription) I cannot imagine how I've been able to work without it until today ! The TAdvGrid was our first requirement but all the other components give a great improvement to the tools we develop for our labs. But the most incredible one remains the Scripter Studio . We've been maintaining our own scripter for years, but this one is really THE one we've been looking for. With Diagram Studio,it opens windows on possibilities that were unthinkable to realize up to now. I couldn't finish this testimonial without saying a word on the support: the greatest. Answers in the day, when it is not in the hour.

- Michel Matsumoto/Alcatel-Lucent France via email

ORM / REST / HTTP / JSON framework
Libraries for business logic & data access