First of all congratulations! You're are doing very good work with your components. I discovered your TAdvStringGrid a few days ago and I can't think of using any other grid anymore in my programs.
- Pedro Panos, Spain
Sorry to say that I regret about my Scripter purchase. I mean, I regret that I didn't purchase it before ;-)
I implemented the routine I needed in my application in less than 4 hours, thanks to the excellent examples in documentation and available features.
I'm even "scared" because everything worked in the very first time and every time this happens there is something really wrong "hidden" that only shows up when the application is running at the customer (one of the Murphy's Law).
- Natali Junior Samuel
Zuerst einmal HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zu euren TMS-Komponenten. Wie kann man Delphi proffesionel nutzen, ohne TMS Komponenten .... unmöglich .. das sollte inzwischen auch Borland bemerken.
- CLUESOFT, Hubert Hutt , Germany
I used to be using TMS stuff for Delphi and C++ Builder.
Now I use the Borland for TMS!
- Hiroshi Nishimura via email
You are the BEST in market and TMS is my best decision in my programming life..
Thank you to be here