Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

TMS GUIMotions deeply impressed me. With GUIMotions I have all I need very fast, reasonably cheap and completely native. I just want to say thank you to these great guys in this company and write my opinion about this component for others.

- Mr. Mamouri

We would like to thank you Bruno for giving us fantastic support. Because of TMS components our ETL software is not only useful but also beautiful.

- Mike / DB Software Laboratory via email

We had a very positive Flexcel talk in our meeting yesterday. Dave Martel was very positive about the product; the support; speed to fix an issue. By doing the talk he realised improvements over the years and has an amazing success story from analysing a large number of human created spreadsheets (1000’s of spreadsheets with 1000’s of readings). The speed of analysis allowed them to refine and re-train the importer to deal with human vagaries (comments / colour etc).

- Jason Chapman

I will never again ship a product on which I have not run FixInsight. It prevented us from shipping a product with several significant bugs which the Delphi compiler had not detected. It paid for itself the first time we used it.

- Tom Field

Thank you for this superb tool collection!

- Henning Swiboda

TMS FlexCel

Native Excel file generation & manipulation
Powerful, extensive & flexible