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Thursday, January 9, 2025

As the new year begins, we're excited to share some updates. We've gathered feedback on various components and made significant improvements in TMS FNC UI Pack, particularly to the new Data Grid for Delphi.DatabindingWe’ve ma...

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

We're very happy, proud and relieved that we can inform that the newest book in the series "Hands on with Delphi" is available for purchase now via Amazon. It's the newest seminal work from our colleague and evangelist Dr. Holger Flick for Delphi dev...

Friday, July 23, 2021

Yesterday we released TMS WEB Core v1.8 Sirolo. You can read all about this exciting new release that extends our Miletus technology to macOS and Linux among many other new features. We have already prepared several videos to let you discover th...

Earlier this week, Embarcadero published the newest version of the Delphi Community Edition v10.4.2! It is fantastic news that students can now freely and easily discover the latest & greatest Object Pascal RAD component based development IDE. Na...

Thursday, July 22, 2021

TMS WEB Core v1.8 Sirolo is released!We are excited to inform that TMS WEB Core v1.8 Sirolo is released today. This new version is the result of months of hard work of the team to bring several new milestones. Take advantage of the summer-time to exp...

Friday, July 2, 2021

Unfortunately, at this time we do not yet have a seminal book like Danny Thorpe's book "Delphi Component Design" ( for component design for TMS WEB Core. It is definitely on ou...

Thursday, July 1, 2021

TMS WEB Core v1.8 beta is hereIt was of course highly anticipated and awaited, this new version of TMS WEB Core v1.8 named Sirolo. Sirolo is a small but beautiful town along the Italian coast at the Adriatic sea. After city Ancona (name of TMS WEB Co...

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

If any of these technologies are of interest to you, we have a new webinar coming up with another first!Reserve your first class seat now while it can here. We will show you for the first time in public, the latest state of project Miletus in TM...

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

At we love to have interns. I believe it is a fantastic experience to learn young aspiring software developers about Delphi, its eco-system, its amazing productivity and at the same time, absorb a lot of energy, get new fresh ideas an...

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Today is an exciting day as we reached yet another milestone, this time the release of TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code v1.3.You are an Object Pascal expert, your customers look out to access your applications everywhere via the web and without an...

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ever since we introduced our TMS WEB Academy platform (entirely built using our own TMS WEB Core product by the way) in February this year, it has been popular and much appreciated. Accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic, it is here to stay as a (free) ...