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To be (live) or not to be (live): a poll
Monday, September 27, 2021
Ever since the covid-19 pandemie caused the first lockdown in March 2020, we did not organize and did not participate in any live Delphi related event.
Instead, we embarked on a new project, the TMS Web Academy to reach out to you, to create our own platform where we have full control and to prove the strength of TMS WEB Core to create web applications.
We launched the TMS Web Academy in the beginning of this year successfully. The number of participants to the number of webinars we already offered exceeded our expectations.
It's clear that the TMS Web Academy is here to stay. But it is also clear there is no substitute for real in person and face to face meeting with fellow Delphi developers.
For a long time and till now, the uncertainty about new possible lockdowns withheld us from setting up a new live event.
In Belgium, the country where the main office of TMS software is located, there is a high degree of vaccination and it appears that restrictions keep diminishing. And that makes us reflect about new possibilities for a live event.
The sole purpose of this blog post is to feel how this resonates with you, as possible attendee of a live TMS training day. So, in a nutshell, with this poll you can indicate how you feel about this. The idea we play with is a TMS training day about the newest TMS WEB Core and TMS FNC developments. As a location, we think about Bruges, the venice of the North with easy access by highway, train, airports in Ostend & Brussels and a one of a kind authentic and historic heart of the city.

We are very curious to hear how you feel about this!
Please fill-in this poll or add any remarks about how you think about live events in the comments!
Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 4 comments.

Richard Hazell

Koistinen Mika

Feichtenschlager Thomas
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Pettersson Ake