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New milestone:TMS FNC WX Pack released

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

TMS Software Delphi  Components

We're pleased and proud that after numerous months of hard work, we have reached the milestone of the first TMS FNC WX Pack release!

A brand new product

TMS FNC WX Pack is a brand new product in the FNC family, that is the family of our universal components or in other words, components you can choose to use in VCL applications, FireMonkey cross-platform applications, LCL Lazarus applications or TMS WEB Core based web, PWA and cross platform desktop applications. TMS FNC WX Pack is available as standalone product and as expected, it is also part of TMS ALL-ACCESS and TMS FNC Component Studio.

What is WX Pack?

With TMS FNC WX Pack, you can leverage existing web libraries in VCL Windows applications, FMX cross-platform applications for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android & Linux, or TMS WEB Core Web applications for any device running a modern browser. The integration is seamless and in almost all cases the functionality is offline usable as components from your Delphi or C++Builder applications. No extra files need to be deployed along with your applications, the components are designed in such a way they look, feel, behave just like other framework components.

What components are included?

At this moment there are following components included:

TTMSFNCWXBarCodeBar code generating component with close to hundred bar code types and extensive customization
QR code generating component with several settings 
Editor component to edit HTML formatted text, including support for tables, hyperlinks, images, styles, undo/redo, ...
TTMSFNCWXCameraAccess your device cameras and take pictures or record videos
TTMSFNCWXPDFViewerAdd the capability to render PDF files in your application, page by page and with optional thumbnails
Play videos from local files or from URLs directly in your application
Show JSON data in pretty format in your application
Have text spoken with different voices directly from your app.
Add an OCR engine to your Object Pascal app. Feed the OCR engine with an image with text and have the text extracted. Includes support for different languages. Returns in the result an accuracy score for the OCR process.

Read our first announcement blog for more detailed information but here in this blog we also have two new videos showing and explaining several components in the TMS FNC WX Pack:


If you are curious to see what is possible and how without immediately heading over to the fully functional trial download and experiment with the components, you can also follow our webinar we gave on TMS Web Academy:

What's next

This release is only the first small step in this new direction. This new technique offers unseen capabilities to bring non-trivial functionality and new technology to Delphi developers. Several more such functionality that is not readily available at this moment for Delphi developers is on the radar to bring to Delphi developers. So, expect our team to bring new components over the coming months in this category. Our team is also listening to your suggestions and ideas for other functionality to leverage this way and in addition, we will bring more detailed information how you can use the FNC bridging technology yourself to wrap & expose existing web libraries as components in your Delphi apps.

Related posts:

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 12 comments.

1. Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 12:56:37 PM

One possible addition could be a Twebcoreform where a webcore form can be included in a VCL or FMX application as a normal form.
It will not be the fastest and most efficient way of programming in Delphi but it will help to have a single codebase in some cases.

Kounalakis Dimitris

2. Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 3:29:58 PM

Interesting suggestion.
We''ll discuss & explore this here internally.

Bruno Fierens

3. Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 3:32:35 PM

Many thanks for another great addition. When will it be added to the subscription manager? v2.1.0.5 does not show it

Baecker Gernot

4. Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 3:48:45 PM

Please contact us by direct email for personal account issues.

Bruno Fierens

5. Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 2:10:40 AM

Nice to see this new FNC-Family, very good!

Just 2 Remarks:

1. The demos were installed in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS FNC WX Pack" and so after installation the documents was not accessible from the last dialog.

2. The OCR Demo has no result after klicking the button "Start OCR" (testet on current Windows 10, with Delphi 11). Initiallzing was ok, but after ending of recognizing text, no result (on the right colum only "null").

In Debug Mode I get this Message: EConvert-Error "92.05084228515625" ist kein gültiger Gleitkommawert"

Stahl Harry

6. Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 2:26:13 AM

OK, reason is, that on a non english pc, StrToFloat does not work with "." (german settings expect ",").

For the moment I fix it for me with:
l.Confidence := StrToFloat(Replacestr (TTMSFNCUtils.GetJSONProp(Value.items[i], ''confidence''), ''.'', '',''));

(Unit FMX.TMSFNCWXOCR, Functions parsetolinearray, parsetoparagraphArray, and so on.

But that should be handled in the component, checking the settings and reacting...

Stahl Harry

7. Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 2:44:33 AM

On Linx the OCR-Demo app crashes:

When trying to load a file "/tmp/{5673B629-9933-EC11-A00A-29A0F44E7BE4}.html"

The file ist there, but "ms.loadFromFile (AFile") in "procedure TTMSFNCUnixWebBrowser.LoadFile"

Stahl Harry

8. Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 10:59:03 AM

Please send all your remarks to support. We’ll look into it as soon as possible.

Pieter Scheldeman

9. Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 6:33:44 PM

Erzeugen von TMSFNCWXSpeechSynthesisDemo.dproj (Debug, Android)
c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\bin\paclient.exe -u8 --dexcompile="C:\Program
Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\java.exe,c:\program files
Common\Android Support\FNC\FNC.jar,C:\Delphi11\tms\fnc\wx\Demos\FMX\Speech
Synthesis\Android\Debug\FNC-dexed.jar,C:\Delphi11\tms\fnc\wx\Demos\FMX\Speech Synthesis\Android\Debug\classpath-list.txt"
[PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7432 ""C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\java.exe" -jar "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\bin\Android\embt-d8-2.2.64.jar" --intermediate --release --min-api 23 --lib "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-22.0.42600.6491\platforms\android-30\android.jar" --classpath-list "C:\Delphi11\tms\fnc\wx\Demos\FMX\Speech Synthesis\Android\Debug\classpath-list.txt" --output "C:\Delphi11\tms\fnc\wx\Demos\FMX\Speech Synthesis\Android\Debug\FNC-dexed.jar" "D:\TMS Common\Android Support\FNC\FNC.jar"" kann nicht ausgeführt werden (Fehler 1)
[PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7432 Error in D:\TMS Common\Android Support\FNC\FNC.jar:
[PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7432 java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: D:\TMS Common\Android Support\FNC\FNC.jar
[PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7432 Error in D:\TMS Common\Android Support\FNC\FNC.jar:
[PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7432 java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: D:\TMS Common\Android Support\FNC\FNC.jar
[PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E7432 Compilation failed

I use Delphi 11 with Windows 11 on my Netbook.
I have no drive D:
Where can I found the FNC.jar file ?

Stapel Andreas

10. Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 6:44:42 PM

Please contact us via our support channels.

Pieter Scheldeman

11. Monday, October 25, 2021 at 12:22:05 AM

I''ve integrated now the OCR-Solution in a new program-version of my PDF-Manager-Program (at the moment only on windows). It saved me more than 40 MB Space for my distribution-package and it works as well as the old solution.

Very good!!! I''m really happy with that.

Perhaps you can add in your documentation, that the Webview2Loader.dll has to be added to the program.

Stahl Harry

12. Monday, October 25, 2021 at 4:47:41 PM

Good remark. We''ll look to make it more clear.

Bruno Fierens

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