I am impressed by the efficiency of your software distribution, and also pleasantly surprised by your quick reaction.
Kudos and applause!~You deserve it.
- Jacob Beeksma via email
Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
All in all TAdvStringGrid works fine and is very powerfull in features. Support is excellent.
- Miha, in Borland Newsgroups
Zuerst einmal HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zu euren TMS-Komponenten. Wie kann man Delphi proffesionel nutzen, ohne TMS Komponenten .... unmöglich .. das sollte inzwischen auch Borland bemerken.
- CLUESOFT, Hubert Hutt , Germany
Thank you for developing components where I can best describe it like this:
TMS components is a case where
"The wheels fit the car, and NOT the car fit the wheels".
Well done.
- Sathiparsad