Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Os components TMS são verdadeiras jóias, tanto por sua facilidade de uso como pelo excelente suport técnico provido pela aquipe de desenvolvedores. Vale a pena registrar !!!

- Fabio Marcos Euzebio - Brasil

Your TPlanner component is excellent and it made our application as one of the best schedulers.

- Joel Cuyos, USA

That goes for me too... I'm building wonderful web applications I could not even have thought about before getting my hands on this great combo!!

- Fabio Dalle Ave

"Personally I have been using your component products for Borland since at least 1998. Since then I've been in various positions to influence corporate development direction and TMS has always been on the "must have" list. Seeing as how in the past 11 years I have only needed to contact support once and use the forums twice speaks volumes to the quality of the products that you produce."

- Erik Wolowitz via email

Keep up the great work...Every new release of TMS Component Pack is like Xmas. Top quality components! :-)

- Aidan Thomson via email


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