D'abord bravo pour vos composants !!! Ils sont parmis les plus riches du marché !!!!
- JC Bremond, France
Your components are the best I've found on the net! You put in just the right features, just as I think of them myself.
- Olav Lindkjølen, Norway
One of the best components sets on the market. What Delphi is all about
- Randy Leigh, US
Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
Bruno and team,
What a wonderful idea. !
This gesture that TMS has taken to encourage new and future software designers is both exceptional and extraordinary. It in fact, takes courage to give away your most valuable assets.
We must never forget our own history; and what we are today is because of the opportunities we were given in the past.
Thank you