I don''t know how I could have created and managed so many projects without the AdvStringGrid! And although there is already so much functionality in it I''m using my own derived version with automatic column widths, enhanced export to Excel (including text colors, backround colors, comments, merged cells and more), the possibility to fill in static data at design time and more. This often allows me to build a new tool in hours instead of days! Support is also great! Thanks.
- Raß Jacqueline
I have received, and investigated your TMS Component Pack.
I want to make a remark about it.
I am really impressed by it!
- Konrad Swart, Netherlands
After looking carefully at all the Competitor products in detail and having worked with one competitor product extensively we decided to move to FlexCel - this was no small decision but we have been rewarded with the most powerful and complete implementation. .Net managed code and a huge set of features. With FlexCel we really push the boundaries and have found it is really up to the task. Most importantly when we needed new business critical functionality the guys on support have really responded and given us and the product features when they were needed. I would strongly recommend FlexCel from both a technical and service response point of view.
- Richard White MBus C.E.O.
I'm sure it is no secret to you that excellent support results in loyal customers. I'm quickly becoming a member of your fan club. Keep up the good work!
- Bill D. Pirkle, World Chess Network
As always, I truly appreciate your components and your great support. I would also like to let you know that there hasn't been a project that I havn't used one of your components since my purchase... A great value at $95
- Kelly Tremblay, Jefferson National Labn, US