We use TAdvStringGrid in all our C++Builder applications, which are used in over 55 countries worldwide, and we find it invaluable. TAdvStringGrid is flexible and full of great features, yet remains easy to use and represents exceptional value for money. We have found that TAdvStringGrid is continually developing and having useful new features added, and when we require support, the TMS Software Team are always quick to answer our questions with advice and code examples. We really do find TAdvStringGrid an excellent product and would recommend it to anyone.
- Chris Johnson, UK, TimeTabler
- Your product is by far the most pleasant tool to use. No other product even comes close to its ease of use.
- It is currently the easiest to use especially for those who neither want or need to have to spend lots of time learning some of the competitor's products.
- Data Modeler makes this an almost pleasant experience where you can work with a minimum of technical knowledge or be able to delve deeper where necessary.
- Bill Marshall
Man - your service is great ! Thanks for help and better-then-schumacher-response-speed !
- m.graefe, maXXimum gmbh, Germany
Your TPlanner component is excellent and it made our application as one of the best schedulers.
- Joel Cuyos, USA
I used to be using TMS stuff for Delphi and C++ Builder.
Now I use the Borland for TMS!
- Hiroshi Nishimura via email