I was able to successfully replace Asta with remotedb and it's absolutely awesome!!!! I've been trying to replace for 8 years. Loving the product - performance is fantastic!
- Rhett Price
I just had to take a minute to say that your new toolbarpager is one of the sweetest and prettiest components I have seen. Great job!
- Lee Jenkins
TMS Aurelius is really some awesome piece of technology that has been missing from Delphi for years. REALLY good framework that is well thought-through. Believe me, I have had my look at a fair number of ORMs.
- Holger Flick
I am a very happy user of your grid pack, the amount of properties is overwhelming! That is the only disadvantage (?)....(!)
Keep on doing this good customer support.
- Joost Geluk/Tradinco via email
You are the BEST in market and TMS is my best decision in my programming life..
Thank you to be here