Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

TMS's Planner components are excellent. I have one running against an Interbase backend with real-time appointment updating across LAN/WAN. My app manages multiple resources, day and week views, printing, conflicting appointments and a whole host of other stuff. I tried several before plumping for TMS's offering and am delighted with it. I'd wholeheartedly recommend TMS components, buy the component pack and I promise you you won't regret it. (Keep it quiet but I honestly don't know how they make money at the prices they charge.. get in quick before they realise they're undercharging :-)

- Richard via Borland 3rd party tools newsgroup

Thanks for your quick replies! We are happy to be using TMS components. We are happy that the installation is straightforward, and that you are there to answer questions.

- Phil Dorcas via email

I have installed the beta and compiled our app with it and no issues Thanks for such a great product and excellent support.

- Andrew Cumming

I've just stumbled upon your component collection due to a mention (albeit a small one) in the Borland.com newsgroups. What can I say...I had just started really trying to use a simple TStringGrid. Upon finding your TAdvStringGrid I never looked back. What a FANTASTIC component.

- Cris Gallegos, US

Now that I'm using your HTML-based components (extremely useful), your planner control (awesome) and your web update control (very impressive), the TMS component pack has evolved into one of the most useful and unique (something which is becoming very difiicult to find.. all component libraries seem to try do the same thing in different ways...) libraries in my component arsenal.

- Keith Blows, South Africa


Powerful UI controls in 1 component set
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase