IntraWeb 5.1/TMS combo is simply awesome...
I had really fallen behind on the new features... Now that I am using them, I'm as excited about Intraweb 5.1 and TMS's addons as I was almost a year ago when I first discovered them !
- JoeH via AtoZed newsgroup
Just wanted to send you kudos on the TMS Components. Their value has more than paid for themselves in our projects, and we're heavily using your TPlanner and TAdvStringgrid components. I can't tell you how many man-hours have been saved, and the cost of registering the suite is more than reasonable. The availability of the source code is by far the most valuable service you provide, since we can't use closed components due to security concerns.
- C. Marrero, USA
Purchasing the component pack was a fantastic deal that I do not regret. You are always adding great features and enhancements and it is much appreciated. Thank You!
- John Mondry, US
Try TAdvStringGrid from I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
About TAdvListView, supernice, I really have to say it...This is the best Listview I ever came across... Nice done guys !