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What our customers say

I just wanted to say thanks again for doing such a great job with the TMS Pack set of Delphi components. Not only is it a well done set of components but you've always been great with support and fixes.

- Scott Bussinger, US

Try TAdvStringGrid from www.tmssoftware.com I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.

- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups

A few weeks ago I asked for recommendations on custom string grid components for Borland C++Builder 5.0. I investigated a lot of grids and decided on the AdvStringGrid from TMS Software and I wanted to tell the list why. The AdvStringGrid is actively being developed by TMS while many of the other grids have not been updated for a long time. The AdvStringGrid has built in functions for saving grid contents to file and loading the file back into the grid and also has OLE drag and drop features. Having these features built into the grid has saved me a huge amount of programming hours. It also has a large list of other features which may save me just as much time later. So make sure you evaluate this grid before you purchase an extra grid component.

- Patrick via Borland's C++Builder third party products newsgroup

I have installed the beta and compiled our app with it and no issues Thanks for such a great product and excellent support.

- Andrew Cumming

J'ai essayé et j'utilise le composant TAdvStringGrid de TMS software et il est simplement génial.

- D.Z., France in Remarq newsgroups


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