Thank you Mr. Fierens for your time and assistance.
Just want to say your VCL Pack is fabulous.
- Mark Mihevc
I fell in love with this great product, it changed my opinion and my vision in programming. I am using it at least 12 hours per day and everyday I understand what a clean code you have used to make it ...thanks a lot.
- Mehrdad Esmaili
Sorry to say that I regret about my Scripter purchase. I mean, I regret that I didn't purchase it before ;-)
I implemented the routine I needed in my application in less than 4 hours, thanks to the excellent examples in documentation and available features.
I'm even "scared" because everything worked in the very first time and every time this happens there is something really wrong "hidden" that only shows up when the application is running at the customer (one of the Murphy's Law).
- Natali Junior Samuel
I am really impressed about your know-how around Excel's under the hood workings. I've been kicking the FlexCel API around a bit over the weekend and must say it is the best investment I made in a long time in both time and money! And the speed at which you guys respond is incredible !
- Tim Young
We have used the TMS Component Pack for around 6 years or so and hands down the best components that we have purchased from any vendor. We use the TAdvStringGrid components, the Web Update Components and many others in each of our software programs that we build and we have always received superb support and TMS Software is always committed to excellence by providing constant feature enhancements and updates.