We had a very positive Flexcel talk in our meeting yesterday. Dave Martel was very positive about the product; the support; speed to fix an issue.
By doing the talk he realised improvements over the years and has an amazing success story from analysing a large number of human created spreadsheets (1000’s of spreadsheets with 1000’s of readings).
The speed of analysis allowed them to refine and re-train the importer to deal with human vagaries (comments / colour etc).
- Jason Chapman
The (Scenic) Ribbon control works so well and it looks so good! I've created an entire dummy interface in it to replace an older application and the reactions were very enthusiastic. I just discovered that an entire application can style itself using the AppStyler. This creates a great consistent look and feel as long as you use just TMS components. Thanks a lot and keep it up!
- Willem van de Vis
Wat een fijn programma is die Subscription Manager! Super. Alles wordt toch eventjes voor je geregeld wat betreft downloaden en installeren. Dat automatische compileren is ook fantastisch. Ik raad een subscription ook aan aan al mijn mede Delphi ontwikkelaars!
Ik ben reuze benieuwd hoe dit programma reageert op updates van reeds geïnstalleerde componenten en zelfs nieuwe componenten. Met vriendelijke groeten
een tevreden klant,
Tom van der Vlugt
- Tom van der Vlugt via email
- Your product is by far the most pleasant tool to use. No other product even comes close to its ease of use.
- It is currently the easiest to use especially for those who neither want or need to have to spend lots of time learning some of the competitor's products.
- Data Modeler makes this an almost pleasant experience where you can work with a minimum of technical knowledge or be able to delve deeper where necessary.
- Bill Marshall
We use TAdvStringGrid in all our C++Builder applications, which are used in over 55 countries worldwide, and we find it invaluable. TAdvStringGrid is flexible and full of great features, yet remains easy to use and represents exceptional value for money. We have found that TAdvStringGrid is continually developing and having useful new features added, and when we require support, the TMS Software Team are always quick to answer our questions with advice and code examples. We really do find TAdvStringGrid an excellent product and would recommend it to anyone.