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What our customers say

You guys are making it very hard for me to not spend more money! :)

- Michael Margerum

J'ai essayé et j'utilise le composant TAdvStringGrid de TMS software et il est simplement génial.

- D.Z., France in Remarq newsgroups

After looking carefully at all the Competitor products in detail and having worked with one competitor product extensively we decided to move to FlexCel - this was no small decision but we have been rewarded with the most powerful and complete implementation. .Net managed code and a huge set of features. With FlexCel we really push the boundaries and have found it is really up to the task. Most importantly when we needed new business critical functionality the guys on support have really responded and given us and the product features when they were needed. I would strongly recommend FlexCel from both a technical and service response point of view.

- Richard White MBus C.E.O.

We use Delphi for the majority of our projects and FixInsight has been really helpful in identifying potential pitfalls. It does help to write better code with conventions warnings as well as highlights issues in code that may lead to hard-to-find bugs. As more warnings are progressively added in the recent of releases of FixInsight, it helps us improve our products. We highly recommend it.

- Andrew Fox

I have installed the beta and compiled our app with it and no issues Thanks for such a great product and excellent support.

- Andrew Cumming


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