I appreciate all the time and effort you guys put into maintaining and enhancing this great suite of components. Though I only really start again using Delphi after some years "off track" with a new project I am working on, using them really saves me lots of time as I can have a sexy looking interface with great usability without needing to "draw" this myself from standard components. Big win!
- Matthias Böge via TMS Forum
Thank you for this superb tool collection!
- Henning Swiboda
I am very excited about the data modeler and how well it creates the Aurelius script. I have just started learning Aurelius and with FMX UI components, Aurelius, the Data modeler and John's new book on MVVM in Delphi I look forward to the next couple of weeks! I believe this to be my breakthrough in producing better applications quicker. I come from a strong database modeling background but have never lost my love for programming. Up to now I always struggled to make the bridge to creating easy cool looking applications fast as I keep on getting tied down in the detail of the GUI as soon as I start.
The components you are creating makes a beautiful picture and makes logical sense in my mind to work together as a complete solution for the application layer.
- Johan Swart
Thanks for the effort to create the VCL grid goodies !
These chunks of outcome-oriented teaching-material are very useful.
It's unbelievable how powerful the grid is when one knows how to unveil it's countless options...
- Feichtenschlager Thomas
Thank you Mr. Fierens for your time and assistance.
Just want to say your VCL Pack is fabulous.