Just wanted to say that I'm very impressed by your component and the associated documentation. Since starting my company I've used quite a few third-party vendors, and the intuitive usage and excellent documentation on your product is outstanding. Makes interacting with Excel files very easy. Now, if only it was as easy to interact with an instance of Excel...
- Mark Sinclair-McGarvie
Thanks for a great component, though! It's worth every cent.
- Peter Jukel, South Africa
Greatgreatgreat news, this was fast again!! Thanks to all the people at TMS for their continuous hard work for the Delphi world! I think without your TMS Component Pack and without your fast reactions in nearly every situation (new Delphi-Releases, fixing issues in TMS components, handling support questions etc...) I had left the Delphi world years ago.
TMS really rocks, keep up with the very good work!
- Udo Treichel via email
Ich möchte Ihnen ein hammergroßes megafettes Lob aussprechen :) Ihre Komponenten sind nunmal einfach eine der besten. Ich bin sehr von Ihren Komponenten überzeugt. Ich programmiere damit sehr gerne.
- Michael Mangold, Germany
On another note keep up the good work over there I am loving the TMS Web Core saves me learning a million lines of JavaScript at my age, its astonishing how good and fast it is and the range of demos have given me some additional insight as to what's now easy to achieve for me in web development.