The email was a genuine query but it was also a test as to how quick you were to respond to user questions and you passed that with flying colours. I am very impressed with your company and the quality of the controls you have to offer.
- Warren Weber, Australia
I am very happy to use TMS Aurelius with Delphi 10.4, I did not expect a quick launch like this.
I am also enjoying the new BatchSize feature, which is much faster than the normal mode.
- Leandro
We purchased the TMS Software Component Pack and were immediately delighted by its exceptional quality. Since then, we've used it continuously in our SaleHoo Directory software, relying particularly on the TAdvStringGrid, TAdvGlowButton and TAdvOfficePageControl components. Not only have these components been excellent, but the support we've received has been top notch. If you're a Delphi Developer, then I have no hesitation in saying that you'll love this software!
- Simon Slade, CEO, SaleHoo Ltd via email
Congratulations on your efficiency and customer relations. I have been very happy with your product and now I am impressed with the way you treat your customers as well (not that I wasn't impressed before).
- Mark Dutch, Australia
FixInsight brought us an immediate gain in code quality by highlighting possible problems that went undetected until now.
We included it in the static code analysis on our buildserver, so every commit by a developer is also checked with FixInsight. It is a tool that really helps you to make your codebase more solid and also improves readability by reminding developers to stick to conventions.
One should not forget to mention that Romans support is great.