I am very impressed with the flexibility of your DBPlanner. As I am just writing a test application to make sure all work as I planned, it does so far. I tried VisualPlanIt and could not get the same flexibility. None of the other components suggested does the things the same way.
- Petrus van Breda via email
Getting email tech support in 7 minutes is unique experience for me. You are the best!
- Dmitry Mikhilov via email
IntraWeb 5.1/TMS combo is simply awesome...
I had really fallen behind on the new features... Now that I am using them, I'm as excited about Intraweb 5.1 and TMS's addons as I was almost a year ago when I first discovered them !
- JoeH via AtoZed newsgroup
Bij veel softwareproducten kantelt het aanvankelijke enthousiasme spoedig naar cynisme. Na een jaar werken met TMS-producten gebruiken wij en onze eindgebruikers met toenemend plezier de TMS-componenten. Met name de StringGrid en HTML-georienteerde componenten blinken uit door creativiteit, stabiliteit en performance. De reactietijd op vragen en overleg is onovertroffen kort !
- C. de Goey, AG&P Software B.V., Nederland
P.S. My Boss is very happy with the Planner Components. Best purchase he's made this year he reckons.
- Andy via email