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What our customers say

J'ai commencé par utiliser le composant AdvStringGrid, car j'avais besoin d'une grille qui permette d'afficher des images, de créer des nœuds. A l'usage ce composant s'avère ultra-complet, je ne lui ai pas encore trouvé de manques. Malgré des besoins complexes, j'ai toujours trouvé LA solution dans l'advStringGrid. Petit à petit, j'ai utilisé d'autres composants (DBAdvGrid, TWebUpdate et bien d'autres), à chaque fois j'ai gagné un temps fou et obtenu des résultats bien meilleurs que ce que j'attendais au départ. Enfin, quel plaisir de recevoir des réponses du support technique par e-mail au plus tard le lendemain, souvent en moins d'une heure!

- Nicolas Voillot, France

There is no doubt in my mind. You guys are Dammned Good. The TMS Grid Pack has to be the best development pack I have EVER seen. Well done. Again.

- Andy Duggan, Australia

I just had to take a minute to say that your new toolbarpager is one of the sweetest and prettiest components I have seen. Great job!

- Lee Jenkins

We use Delphi for the majority of our projects and FixInsight has been really helpful in identifying potential pitfalls. It does help to write better code with conventions warnings as well as highlights issues in code that may lead to hard-to-find bugs. As more warnings are progressively added in the recent of releases of FixInsight, it helps us improve our products. We highly recommend it.

- Andrew Fox

The way the persistence stuff in TAdvLUEdit and other advanced edit controls is working is just so nice that it, well it's so nice that I just can't even come up with a suitable description. The best I can say is that there should be a law that no entry component can be without it!

- Mitch Godfrey, Wasatch Data Inc

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