Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

The additional facilities the new version of the grid has given me has been a godsend, well worth the asking price and keep up the good work. Also, it's great to see and author responding to users questions so quickly. There's a few companies I've bought components from who should take a lesson from you in customer service.

- Kenvyn Davies, UK via email

Thanks again for your great support & video webinars! You have changed the way I build Delphi apps, I can't begin to thank you enough for your products, Looking forward to your next updates! Please keep up the great work!

- Lawrence Green

I am developing software for 10 years and your components are the best I have ever bought. Super possibilities. Very good support. I had to say this, because my customers are enthusiastic about my application.

- Olaf Boehme via email

We had a very positive Flexcel talk in our meeting yesterday. Dave Martel was very positive about the product; the support; speed to fix an issue. By doing the talk he realised improvements over the years and has an amazing success story from analysing a large number of human created spreadsheets (1000’s of spreadsheets with 1000’s of readings). The speed of analysis allowed them to refine and re-train the importer to deal with human vagaries (comments / colour etc).

- Jason Chapman

As always, I truly appreciate your components and your great support. I would also like to let you know that there hasn't been a project that I havn't used one of your components since my purchase... A great value at $95

- Kelly Tremblay, Jefferson National Labn, US

Build MQTT client apps faster
RAD component based MQTT communication