Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

When I purchased TMS All Access, it was with the aim of using the controls, Flexcel and TMS Web Core in the next stage of the current project, using the economics of purchasing the various products separately vs as one product-suite as part of that decision. But having access to the full product line-up and in the phase of "what did I get for my money?", I learnt about XData (which I will definitely be using for the web side of things) and Aurelius (which will save me hours in terms of development time, and will effectively pay for itself if one translates saved time to money).

- Roland Skinner

I saw the components during your presentation at the Verona ITDEVCON 2010 I fell in love (I speak about components), congratulations! Your products are always of excellent quality. Thanks for the work you do.

- Carlo Narcisi/biosfera via email

VCL Component Studio is AWESOME and the components are used every single day!

- David Case via email

Wagner, I must congratulate with you: I really enjoy reading and watching your posts and videos about TMS Aurelius. First, I appreciate them because they are very specific and up to the point. Second, as a TMS Aurelius user, the more of your post I read, the more I am confident about the choice I have made between TMS Aurelius and "The Others". I love the simplicity of TMS Aurelius: this is the very distinctive trait of it: If you know how to deal with Plain Old Simple Object in Delphi, then you know 80% of TMS Aurelius. And your posts about it, are something I always find very interesting. Thank you so much.

- Fabio Vitale

Os components TMS são verdadeiras jóias, tanto por sua facilidade de uso como pelo excelente suport técnico provido pela aquipe de desenvolvedores. Vale a pena registrar !!!

- Fabio Marcos Euzebio - Brasil

TMS FlexCel

Native Excel file generation & manipulation
Powerful, extensive & flexible