Wagner, I must congratulate with you: I really enjoy reading and watching your posts and videos about TMS Aurelius. First, I appreciate them because they are very specific and up to the point. Second, as a TMS Aurelius user, the more of your post I read, the more I am confident about the choice I have made between TMS Aurelius and "The Others". I love the simplicity of TMS Aurelius: this is the very distinctive trait of it: If you know how to deal with Plain Old Simple Object in Delphi, then you know 80% of TMS Aurelius. And your posts about it, are something I always find very interesting. Thank you so much.
- Fabio Vitale
Once again - thanks guys! I am truly impressed with the prompt replies to my many questions and comments. I have been so impressed with each and every functionality of every one of the TMS components I have used in my application. With your components added capability, Borland seriously needs to think about packaging your product with Delphi instead of their own. Keep up the awesome work!!
- James Rue, USA
J'ai commencé par utiliser le composant AdvStringGrid, car j'avais besoin d'une grille qui permette d'afficher des images, de créer des nœuds. A l'usage ce composant s'avère ultra-complet, je ne lui ai pas encore trouvé de manques. Malgré des besoins complexes, j'ai toujours trouvé LA solution dans l'advStringGrid.
Petit à petit, j'ai utilisé d'autres composants (DBAdvGrid, TWebUpdate et bien d'autres), à chaque fois j'ai gagné un temps fou et obtenu des résultats bien meilleurs que ce que j'attendais au départ.
Enfin, quel plaisir de recevoir des réponses du support technique par e-mail au plus tard le lendemain, souvent en moins d'une heure!
- Nicolas Voillot, France
I want to congratulate you for the component development of the very good Diagram Studio.
- Gabriel Castillo Hernandez
Thanks for such a good grid. There is no way I could have used any other grid for what my user wanted.