Just wanted to say that these new components are amazing. Not only do you
put out an excellent product but you are always coming up with new and
innovative components. You guys must never sleep! A very large part of our
software product is designed with TMS components and the most common
customer comment when they see our new GUI is "Wow". So.... "thanks" - you
guys rule!
- Robyn Freeman via TMS newsgroup
I am a very happy user of your grid pack, the amount of properties is overwhelming! That is the only disadvantage (?)....(!)
Keep on doing this good customer support.
- Joost Geluk/Tradinco via email
Bij veel softwareproducten kantelt het aanvankelijke enthousiasme spoedig naar cynisme. Na een jaar werken met TMS-producten gebruiken wij en onze eindgebruikers met toenemend plezier de TMS-componenten. Met name de StringGrid en HTML-georienteerde componenten blinken uit door creativiteit, stabiliteit en performance. De reactietijd op vragen en overleg is onovertroffen kort !
- C. de Goey, AG&P Software B.V., Nederland
I bought many component collections in the last years. Yours is the only multi-purpose library I continue to use with Delphi 6, I stopped using all the others and replaced them with some freeware comps.
- A. Nolte, Germany
FYI: We absolutely *love* the WebUpdate component, and you people have the *correct* attitude: developers don't want to have to include any further dll's, ocx's, or other "bloatware"-related stuff. We want a simple, efficient, clean solution that works, and that's what we get from TMS!
- Noah T. Rowles, Iolo Technologies