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What our customers say

Thank you for such a wonderful product. I can't believe I've been using other stringgrids for so long.

- Kevin Tupper, US

Following a small problem with the TSectionListBox component, I was amazed to see that it was corrected in... 4 days. And what amazes me the most is to see that my clients are more impressed by the look & feel of my software since I'm using TMS components rather than its new features. A great thank you for your efficiency, you help me a lot.

- Jean-Pierre Lamon/Ngscan.com via email

Ich möchte Ihnen ein hammergroßes megafettes Lob aussprechen :) Ihre Komponenten sind nunmal einfach eine der besten. Ich bin sehr von Ihren Komponenten überzeugt. Ich programmiere damit sehr gerne.

- Michael Mangold, Germany

Another vote for Flexcel here, since the rewritten and updated Flexcel came out a year or two ago, I only use that. Mostly I use it to read XLS and XLSX files, which it does much faster and more flexibly than Excel automation, in my experience. If you also need to write XLS and XLSX files (which I do occasionally) Flexcel has the most amazing utility named 'ApiMate'. You can design your output report in Excel, including only a minimum of actual data, but with all the detailed formatting, headings, and column, row and cell properties you need. Then point ApiMate at the Excel file, and it generates a Delphi program to write the entire XLS file using the Flexcel API, with all the attributes matching those you created in Excel itself. It is then the work of a few moments to adapt the ApiMate-created functions to handle your real data. Magic! Flexcel support is prompt and helpful, too.

- Tim Frost

You always have the coolest components for Delphi--nobody else even comes close.

- A. Roberts/Robotics Technlogies via email


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