Thanks for a great component, though! It's worth every cent.
- Peter Jukel, South Africa
The delay between sending a support request and getting an answer from TMS seems to be exactly the time needed for writing the answer-mail.
- Thomas Reppel / Grid Data via email
Try TAdvStringGrid from I find it absolutely indespensible...and for the price, its hard to find anything matching.
- Doc, in Borland Newsgroups
I have tried your new "TAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane chart component" demo and I am extremely impressed.
I develop applications using Borland Delphi 5 and for years now, the obvious choice for charting components has been TeeChart. Well not any more !!!
I often find that charting components can be a bit clumsy and awkward to use, but your charting components' properties are extremely well laid out and easy to use.
Also, when looking at the GDI plus demo, the quality of rendering and anti-aliasing is world-class.
Other charting components out there advertise lovely, glossy and shiny charts on their web site, but when you run their demos it's a very different story indeed. They are often poorly rendered and produce dodgy anti-aliased drawings, they are over-priced, etc...
So all in all, you certainly have the best charting component that I have ever came across - on the first release and for such a great price !
I was currently looking for a new charting component - well not any more ! I will be recommending that the company that I work for purchases your new charting component.
- Dave Scott
Thanks for a truly excellent IW component set, I am genuinely impressed.
... TMS Advanced Charts are just stunning !