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What our customers say

Dear Sir/Madam. I'm afraid I'm going to have to uninstall and return the TMS Component Pack we recently purchased. It's just too darn good. What are my clients going to say when I can now implement a whole screed of additional functionality so quickly and easily? How are they going to react when, all of a sudden, their applications look 10 times better? And there are so many components! It's going to take weeks, if not months, to play with them all. It's criminal, I tell you. You shouldn't be able to sell a component package this good. I guess I'll hang onto it a little while longer, and try to figure out how to explain it to our clients. Keep up the good work ;-)

- Paul Matthews - ProSouth Solutions via email


- Mauricio Piao via email

IntraWeb 5.1/TMS combo is simply awesome... I had really fallen behind on the new features... Now that I am using them, I'm as excited about Intraweb 5.1 and TMS's addons as I was almost a year ago when I first discovered them !

- JoeH via AtoZed newsgroup

Just to express my (so far) complete satisfaction with TMS Component Pack. I just purchased it, it arrived very fast, service was prompt and polite, emails were answered within minutes. The installation into BCB5 Pro worked great, and the components themselves seemed to work for a few quickie tests. Browsing the documentation further, there are some great components in this package.

- Martin Fensome in Borland newsgroups

As a developer for 30+ years, and a Delphi developer since 1996, I've a solid foundation on desktop development. But I was skeptical of indulging in web development. Though the market was demanding a switch, it seemed too difficult to make the transition. TMS Software was my "magic bullet" to get me started with zero intimidation. Love their Web Core and XData products. Now I can develop powerful web applications using Delphi. TMS Software has renewed my love for Delphi and won my heart for their innovators. Thanks to the team for great products and a large volume of demos and manuals. You ROCK!

- Larry


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