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Wednesday, December 18, 2024
IntroductionAs always, our team goes on relentlessly to further shape TMS WEB Core into the most productive & valuable framework for real web client application development with Objec...
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Thursday, November 17, 2022
Responsive design is a hot topic in web development. For those not familiar with the term "Responsive design", this means that the layout of the GUI can adapt to the form factor of the screen where the ...
Thursday, November 10, 2022
FNC products help you in all phases of your migration to cross platform and one of the core tasks is the file dialogs. FNCUtils contains a lot of helpful procedures and it is easy to overlook some when you do not see them in the pallet ( ...
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Your presentation begins in 8 minutes, and you realize the bar chart would be easier to read with data labels. Marshal custom inspectors enable detail design tools to be used at runtime to enhance complex control configurations.Join us in a liv...
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Your presentation begins in 18 minutes and your review of the dashboard identifies a defect in the bar chart, missing data for 2019. Marshal enables you to quickly check some basic configuration and SQL results to identify the defect.Join...
Monday, October 10, 2022
SwiftExpat Marshal powered by FNCYou arrive at 9:30 to setup and get ready for your presentation at 10:00. You arrange your laptop, get connected and are joined in the room by your business partner at 9:35. You launch the dashboa...
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Again, we are back with another update: TMS FNC UI Pack 4.1!FNC planner editorA major new requested feature was the ability to integrate a custom editor for editing items. In 4.1, we introduced a way to provide your own dialog, bas...
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
We have been working hard and today we're proud to present another major update: TMS FNC UI Pack 4.0!What's newThis video shows what's new in TMS FNC UI Pack 4.0Updated look for componentsThere were a lot of q...
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Developing in Delphi sometime presents a frustrating work-flow, experts allow us to alter some behaviors and Deputy targets the one that I disagree with the most, prompt for overwrite. This post will focus on the developers daily...
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
High DPIIn this update of the TMS FNC UI Pack the main focus was the implementation of high DPI in our controls. Some components already had high DPI support since the previous update. Now all of our components are scaled to the monito...
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
There are a lot of great new features available in our FNC components and this blog will highlight the new additions to the TMS FNC UI Pack. If you want to check the improvements on TMS FNC Maps, click here.For the list of fixes and improvements, you...