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What our customers say

Zuerst einmal HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zu euren TMS-Komponenten. Wie kann man Delphi proffesionel nutzen, ohne TMS Komponenten .... unmöglich .. das sollte inzwischen auch Borland bemerken.

- CLUESOFT, Hubert Hutt , Germany

I would like really to thank you for your components. In quite a few minutes, I've been able to deploy a quite complex iPhone application. I thought I never could without learning Objective C. It's really great.

- Jean-Pierre Lamon

One of the best components sets on the market. What Delphi is all about

- Randy Leigh, US

Thanks so much for providing outstanding components and service with your TMS Smooth Controls Package for RAD Studio XE2. I had originally used the free versions with RAD Studio 2010 and XE, but the value, support, and excellence of your products made it a no-brainer for me to purchase the XE2 version. It's a pleasure working with a company that develops great products and provides the kind of customer support that makes it easy for developers such as myself to incorporate your components into my RAD Studio products. I shall continue to use, update, and purchase component packages from your company in the future.

- Reef Morse, Scientific Software Services via email

Flexcel is an essential tool for working with Excel files in .NET. It is far less expensive to to develop Excel functionality in .NET with Flexcel than without it. I save several thousand dollars per year just in development, not including additional costs related to maintaining Office applications. TMS Flexcel Studio saves me enough money each year to buy many licenses for Office. I'm also very happy with the licensing and how much value TMS Software provides with my purchase. Even paid upgrades are a much better value than upgrades from other vendors. I enthusiastically endorse TMS Software and Flexcel Studio for .NET.

- Steve Parrish

TMS VCL Subscription

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Essential for your Windows development