Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

I saw the components during your presentation at the Verona ITDEVCON 2010 I fell in love (I speak about components), congratulations! Your products are always of excellent quality. Thanks for the work you do.

- Carlo Narcisi/biosfera via email

I appreciate all the time and effort you guys put into maintaining and enhancing this great suite of components. Though I only really start again using Delphi after some years "off track" with a new project I am working on, using them really saves me lots of time as I can have a sexy looking interface with great usability without needing to "draw" this myself from standard components. Big win!

- Matthias Böge via TMS Forum

Another question which has been a subject for discussion here. How does your organisation manage to provide such quick and helpful response to support questions? Is this type of support provided by dedicated support staff, or developers? I see that you also give support in many languages. We are impressed! Your company sets standards that we all should try to meet!

- Richard Bibby via email

Your TPlanner component is excellent and it made our application as one of the best schedulers.

- Joel Cuyos, USA

This is huge! Visual Studio Code is my go-to for a cross platform editor. Good luck!

- Frazor Scott

Build MQTT client apps faster
RAD component based MQTT communication