Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Just wanted to say that I'm very impressed by your component and the associated documentation. Since starting my company I've used quite a few third-party vendors, and the intuitive usage and excellent documentation on your product is outstanding. Makes interacting with Excel files very easy. Now, if only it was as easy to interact with an instance of Excel...

- Mark Sinclair-McGarvie

Apart from the fact that your components are superb, I find that your support is equally superb! Definitely will I recommend others to buy your components.
I really enjoy working with your components, and they make the UI so much friendlier than the standard normal grey-in-grey stuff.

- Jens Fudge /Archersoft via email

An amazing piece of work. Can''t wait to start working with WebCore in V Code.

- Hennekens Stephan

TAdvStringGrid is the most fabulous grid I've ever had.

- Salvador Godoy C., Mexico.

All in all TAdvStringGrid works fine and is very powerfull in features. Support is excellent.

- Miha, in Borland Newsgroups

TMS FlexCel

Native Excel file generation & manipulation
Powerful, extensive & flexible