I'm very pleased with the TMS Component Pack too. The support is excellent and the components are great.
- Rodrigo Gomez in Borland newsgroups
Thanks for the effort to create the VCL grid goodies !
These chunks of outcome-oriented teaching-material are very useful.
It's unbelievable how powerful the grid is when one knows how to unveil it's countless options...
- Feichtenschlager Thomas
Wat een fijn programma is die Subscription Manager! Super. Alles wordt toch eventjes voor je geregeld wat betreft downloaden en installeren. Dat automatische compileren is ook fantastisch. Ik raad een subscription ook aan aan al mijn mede Delphi ontwikkelaars!
Ik ben reuze benieuwd hoe dit programma reageert op updates van reeds geïnstalleerde componenten en zelfs nieuwe componenten. Met vriendelijke groeten
een tevreden klant,
Tom van der Vlugt
- Tom van der Vlugt via email
I use TMS components since 2003 and I have never been disappointed. The components are always very functional and very complete, they are put up to date regularly what denotes a very big professionalism on behalf of the TMS team. The technical support is exceptional: the answers are always very fast and applicable. Personally, I set aside all others third party packages of components, I use those only and I recommend them to all developers who need reliable and effective components.
- Thierry Godin / N1bus-Experiences via email
Wow, I'm really impressed that you found this out in such a short time!
Thanks especially for testing it with Softmaker Office itself and with some more elaborate spreadsheets, this makes me confident that it'll work with the "real life" files that I have to handle.
Super service!