I would like to inform you that I am completely satisfied with your TMS VCL Cloud Pack. Integration with Google Calendar took about two hours with no problems - demo apps are straight and clear, no help necessary. Thank you for superb product!
- Karel Janeček
About TAdvListView, supernice, I really have to say it...This is the best Listview I ever came across... Nice done guys !
- Joakim Krassman, Sweden
I literally stumbled across FlexCel Studio for .NET on the internet. Whenever I searched for similar software, I ran across others that sucked, and the costs for them are outrageous. You guys have one hell of a product. I have been using it for the last two days, and I am very impressed not only by what I can accomplish but also your excellent documentation and examples.
- Frank Gennaro
Bij veel softwareproducten kantelt het aanvankelijke enthousiasme spoedig naar cynisme. Na een jaar werken met TMS-producten gebruiken wij en onze eindgebruikers met toenemend plezier de TMS-componenten. Met name de StringGrid en HTML-georienteerde componenten blinken uit door creativiteit, stabiliteit en performance. De reactietijd op vragen en overleg is onovertroffen kort !
- C. de Goey, AG&P Software B.V., Nederland
The way the persistence stuff in TAdvLUEdit and other advanced edit controls is working is just so nice that it, well it's so nice that I just can't even come up with a suitable description. The best I can say is that there should be a law that no entry component can be without it!
- Mitch Godfrey, Wasatch Data Inc