Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

In case it helps anybody, the component I found is TAdvStringGrid. It does all I wanted and much more. I was getting useful results within 2 hours of downloading it. Some of the additional features I hadn't thought of but have used anyway. The application has a significantly improved interface inside 1 day.

- Steve Mullarkey, Australia

Just wanted to send you kudos on the TMS Components. Their value has more than paid for themselves in our projects, and we're heavily using your TPlanner and TAdvStringgrid components. I can't tell you how many man-hours have been saved, and the cost of registering the suite is more than reasonable. The availability of the source code is by far the most valuable service you provide, since we can't use closed components due to security concerns.

- C. Marrero, USA

I enjoy diagram studio a lot. It is simple to use and very effective. In short, an excellent component.

- Harry Martin

About TAdvListView, supernice, I really have to say it...This is the best Listview I ever came across... Nice done guys !

- Joakim Krassman, Sweden

Thank you for this superb tool collection!

- Henning Swiboda

TMS FlexCel

Native Excel file generation & manipulation
Powerful, extensive & flexible