I bought many component collections in the last years. Yours is the only multi-purpose library I continue to use with Delphi 6, I stopped using all the others and replaced them with some freeware comps.
- A. Nolte, Germany
Following a small problem with the TSectionListBox component, I was amazed to see that it was corrected in... 4 days. And what amazes me the most is to see that my clients are more impressed by the look & feel of my software since I'm using TMS components rather than its new features. A great thank you for your efficiency, you help me a lot.
- Jean-Pierre Lamon/Ngscan.com via email
Wat een fijn programma is die Subscription Manager! Super. Alles wordt toch eventjes voor je geregeld wat betreft downloaden en installeren. Dat automatische compileren is ook fantastisch. Ik raad een subscription ook aan aan al mijn mede Delphi ontwikkelaars!
Ik ben reuze benieuwd hoe dit programma reageert op updates van reeds geïnstalleerde componenten en zelfs nieuwe componenten. Met vriendelijke groeten
een tevreden klant,
Tom van der Vlugt
- Tom van der Vlugt via email
TMS is a great product and the service is one of the best I have seen if not the best.
- Santiago Calderon in Borland newsgroups
I am impressed by the efficiency of your software distribution, and also pleasantly surprised by your quick reaction.
Kudos and applause!~You deserve it.