Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

I would like to congratulate you and the team with an excellent set of components and customer service with no equal. I have bought a few subscription packages from other component manufacturers as well and I must say that TMSSoftware surpasses them all by your speedy and frequent releases and activity on your products. I actually can't keep up with the releases and new features you keep on adding to your products. It is good to know that there is a component manufacturer who are as serious about their customers as we are about ours.

- Markus Venter via email

I don't know where I would be without my TMS Software Components! They make life so much easier designing and implementing modern day interfaces. I have and still do recommend you to many people on Delphi Pages and various other forums out there. Keep up the great work you do, it is a credit to you and your company.
All the best Chris

- Chris O'Connor via email

First, I've bought and have been using your component pack a while now, and I like it! I hardly use standard components anymore. So there's a feather in your cap. Congrats!

- Evert Haasdijk, KiQ

That is brilliant! Thanks for delivering us such nice framework


I am impressed by the efficiency of your software distribution, and also pleasantly surprised by your quick reaction. Kudos and applause!~You deserve it.

- Jacob Beeksma via email


Powerful UI controls in 1 component set
Single high-performance multi-platform codebase