Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Many thanks for the latest upgrade to AdvGrid, particularly the CreatePicture/CreateFilePicture methods. AdvGrid was already the best grid component around and the latest enhancements put it way ahead of all the others. Congratulations also on the rest of the TMS suite

- Robin Beste, UK

I must say that the increasing number of features and sophistication of your VCL components is impressing. Your components also inspires to add new functionalities to our application.

- Jan Andersen/Tickom via email

Greatgreatgreat news, this was fast again!! Thanks to all the people at TMS for their continuous hard work for the Delphi world! I think without your TMS Component Pack and without your fast reactions in nearly every situation (new Delphi-Releases, fixing issues in TMS components, handling support questions etc...) I had left the Delphi world years ago. TMS really rocks, keep up with the very good work!

- Udo Treichel via email

Once again we would like to say how nice your components are and flexible and useful, easy to program and making an application friendly for use.

- Nikolai Todorov via email

J'ai essayé et j'utilise le composant TAdvStringGrid de TMS software et il est simplement génial.

- D.Z., France in Remarq newsgroups


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