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What our customers say

Thank you for such a wonderful product. I can't believe I've been using other stringgrids for so long.

- Kevin Tupper, US

TMS is a great product and the service is one of the best I have seen if not the best.

- Santiago Calderon in Borland newsgroups

Sorry to say that I regret about my Scripter purchase. I mean, I regret that I didn't purchase it before ;-) I implemented the routine I needed in my application in less than 4 hours, thanks to the excellent examples in documentation and available features. I'm even "scared" because everything worked in the very first time and every time this happens there is something really wrong "hidden" that only shows up when the application is running at the customer (one of the Murphy's Law). Congratulations.

- Natali Junior Samuel

I have to say that MQTT is working well for me. I had been trying to use the Kinvey service to push messages, but this is much more elegant and easier. Thank you

- George Kirkwood

First thanks for the great product and great support. Of course there’s a lot to learn when new to web programming. But until now we have been able to solve all problems with your help and hints. And each day bring a new nice surprise :) discovering features.

- Bo Nielsen

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