Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

Thank you very much for all the updates you continue to make to the TMS Component Pack! These are some of the most impressive components I've ever used and you just keep adding to them!

- Tim Hendriksen, USA

TMS Aurelius makes my code to be very clean. I can code in pure OOP, not worrying about database persistence or SQL statements, being able to switch connections and database servers very easily. My development speed has increased significantly.

- Carlos Fitl

You always have the coolest components for Delphi--nobody else even comes close.

- A. Roberts/Robotics Technlogies via email

The (Scenic) Ribbon control works so well and it looks so good! I've created an entire dummy interface in it to replace an older application and the reactions were very enthusiastic. I just discovered that an entire application can style itself using the AppStyler. This creates a great consistent look and feel as long as you use just TMS components. Thanks a lot and keep it up!

- Willem van de Vis

I am very happy with you product, it meets just about all of my needs and is great value for money.

- Mike Hamilton


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