Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

I'm very pleased with the TMS Component Pack too. The support is excellent and the components are great.

- Rodrigo Gomez in Borland newsgroups

There is no doubt in my mind. You guys are Dammned Good. The TMS Grid Pack has to be the best development pack I have EVER seen. Well done. Again.

- Andy Duggan, Australia

TMS's Planner components are excellent. I have one running against an Interbase backend with real-time appointment updating across LAN/WAN. My app manages multiple resources, day and week views, printing, conflicting appointments and a whole host of other stuff. I tried several before plumping for TMS's offering and am delighted with it. I'd wholeheartedly recommend TMS components, buy the component pack and I promise you you won't regret it. (Keep it quiet but I honestly don't know how they make money at the prices they charge.. get in quick before they realise they're undercharging :-)

- Richard via Borland 3rd party tools newsgroup

Ich möchte Ihnen ein hammergroßes megafettes Lob aussprechen :) Ihre Komponenten sind nunmal einfach eine der besten. Ich bin sehr von Ihren Komponenten überzeugt. Ich programmiere damit sehr gerne.

- Michael Mangold, Germany

I would like to inform you that I am completely satisfied with your TMS VCL Cloud Pack. Integration with Google Calendar took about two hours with no problems - demo apps are straight and clear, no help necessary. Thank you for superb product!

- Karel Janeček


Fastest and easiest back-end for web & mobile
Robust back-end as a service