We have built several windows (both .NET and Delphi) solutions using FlexCel and we have experienced the good evolution of the product. We like it mainly for the three following reasons: Value for the money: There is no need for any other component to have a full reporting solution. Performance: From the real experience we have performed, FlexCel is very well engineered and the performance you can obtain with it is impressive! The source code is available, and it's very important if you are involved in the development of competitive solutions and products.
- Luis del Ser
Your components are the best I've found on the net! You put in just the right features, just as I think of them myself.
- Olav Lindkjølen, Norway
Just to express my (so far) complete satisfaction with TMS Component Pack. I just purchased it, it arrived very fast, service was prompt and polite, emails were answered within minutes. The installation into BCB5 Pro worked great, and the components themselves seemed to work for a few quickie tests. Browsing the documentation further, there are some great components in this package.
- Martin Fensome in Borland newsgroups
Ich möchte Ihnen ein hammergroßes megafettes Lob aussprechen :) Ihre Komponenten sind nunmal einfach eine der besten. Ich bin sehr von Ihren Komponenten überzeugt. Ich programmiere damit sehr gerne.
- Michael Mangold, Germany
Regarding TMSFNCRibbon: It's a great component and I appreciate especially its HighDPI awareness and option for using SVG images - it's a huge saving on my time, thanks for a great job.