Over 50000 satisfied customers ...

What our customers say

I've just stumbled upon your component collection due to a mention (albeit a small one) in the Borland.com newsgroups. What can I say...I had just started really trying to use a simple TStringGrid. Upon finding your TAdvStringGrid I never looked back. What a FANTASTIC component.

- Cris Gallegos, US

Having bought the full component package (TMS VCL Subscription) I cannot imagine how I've been able to work without it until today ! The TAdvGrid was our first requirement but all the other components give a great improvement to the tools we develop for our labs. But the most incredible one remains the Scripter Studio . We've been maintaining our own scripter for years, but this one is really THE one we've been looking for. With Diagram Studio,it opens windows on possibilities that were unthinkable to realize up to now. I couldn't finish this testimonial without saying a word on the support: the greatest. Answers in the day, when it is not in the hour.

- Michel Matsumoto/Alcatel-Lucent France via email

Thanks for a very nice and easy diagram editing environment Diagram studio is a quite straightforward way of designing things.

- John Karlaftis

Another question which has been a subject for discussion here. How does your organisation manage to provide such quick and helpful response to support questions? Is this type of support provided by dedicated support staff, or developers? I see that you also give support in many languages. We are impressed! Your company sets standards that we all should try to meet!

- Richard Bibby via email

Very nice, you keep surprising for the best

- Yoav Berchik


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