I am very happy with you product, it meets just about all of my needs and is great value for money.
- Mike Hamilton
In case it helps anybody, the component I found is TAdvStringGrid. It does all I wanted and much more. I was getting useful results within 2 hours of downloading it. Some of the additional features I hadn't thought of but have used anyway. The application has a significantly improved interface inside 1 day.
- Steve Mullarkey, Australia
This is a wonderfull component !!!!
- Pablo Bizzotto
I am very excited about the data modeler and how well it creates the Aurelius script. I have just started learning Aurelius and with FMX UI components, Aurelius, the Data modeler and John's new book on MVVM in Delphi I look forward to the next couple of weeks! I believe this to be my breakthrough in producing better applications quicker. I come from a strong database modeling background but have never lost my love for programming. Up to now I always struggled to make the bridge to creating easy cool looking applications fast as I keep on getting tied down in the detail of the GUI as soon as I start.
The components you are creating makes a beautiful picture and makes logical sense in my mind to work together as a complete solution for the application layer.
- Johan Swart
Thank you very much for all the updates you continue to make to the TMS Component Pack! These are some of the most impressive components I've ever used and you just keep adding to them!