I have to say that MQTT is working well for me. I had been trying to use the Kinvey service to push messages, but this is much more elegant and easier. Thank you
- George Kirkwood
Flexcel is an essential tool for working with Excel files in .NET. It is far less expensive to to develop Excel functionality in .NET with Flexcel than without it. I save several thousand dollars per year just in development, not including additional costs related to maintaining Office applications. TMS Flexcel Studio saves me enough money each year to buy many licenses for Office.
I'm also very happy with the licensing and how much value TMS Software provides with my purchase. Even paid upgrades are a much better value than upgrades from other vendors. I enthusiastically endorse TMS Software and Flexcel Studio for .NET.
- Steve Parrish
Just to express my (so far) complete satisfaction with TMS Component Pack. I just purchased it, it arrived very fast, service was prompt and polite, emails were answered within minutes. The installation into BCB5 Pro worked great, and the components themselves seemed to work for a few quickie tests. Browsing the documentation further, there are some great components in this package.
- Martin Fensome in Borland newsgroups
- Your product is by far the most pleasant tool to use. No other product even comes close to its ease of use.
- It is currently the easiest to use especially for those who neither want or need to have to spend lots of time learning some of the competitor's products.
- Data Modeler makes this an almost pleasant experience where you can work with a minimum of technical knowledge or be able to delve deeper where necessary.
- Bill Marshall
Thank you Mr. Fierens for your time and assistance.
Just want to say your VCL Pack is fabulous.